The expeditionary nature of the U.S. armed forces has been
demonstrated in more ways than perhaps initially imagined when the doctrine was
first espoused. In practical terms, it means that U.S. forces are deploying to
more forward and less developed installations than ever before. Smarter and
better equipped than ever, the deployed forces are usually fewer in number than
would have been considered in the past. What facility and airfield security now
may lack in numbers, they are making up for in technology. Instead of walking a
perimeter, sensors are now prowling the landscape for unwanted intruders.
Sensing the Enemy
Lieutenant Colonel David Woods, deputy director and chief of
security forces for the Force Protection Command and Control Special Program
Office at Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom AFB, is delivering
state-of-the-art sensor technology to defend air assets. "For delivery, we have
had the Tactical Automated Security System (TASS) contact in place for the last
five years. This year [2003], we awarded the Integrated Base Defense Security
System (IBDSS) contract. Both are indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity
contracts that have given us the stability and flexibility to provide the most
current solutions to meet the warfighter's needs very quickly," he said.
Roy Higgins, of the Force Protection Command and Control
Special Program Office, added, "The biggest change has been in the area of base
access control. There is much more scrutiny of who is coming and going from our
bases. At Air Force bases, perimeter security has always been of paramount
concern. What changes as time goes by is the technology we employ."
Rapid movement of air assets to equally rapidly constructed
airfields-part of the effort to take the global war on terrorism (GWOT) to the
terrorists in their home bases-has posed significant military challenges. "A
big challenge," said Woods, "is protecting aircraft in remote locations where
there is no protection in the parking areas. We are developing a ‘suitcase'
sized system that can easily be transported with the aircraft. The system
consists of a few small radars and a couple of handheld annunciators. The
system will detect and track all targets that come within 100 meters of the
Woods agreed that early detection is the key. "A significant
capability improvement is the ability to detect and track targets over an area.
Up to recently, most sensors only told you if someone crossed the perimeter.
Now we can detect targets beyond the perimeter, watch them approach and see
where they go after crossing the perimeter. This capability change is due to
advancements and increased procurement of ground-based radars." Looking ahead,
Woods said, "We believe the next significant area of technology improvement
will be in explosive detection. The most important integration advancement will
be delivering a common operating picture to see first, understand first and act
Sensing the Danger
Shlomo Nir, general director for CONTROP Precision
Technologies LTD, sees more incidents of terrorists targeting air assets. As a
lieutenant colonel in the Israeli Air Force reserves, Nir has both a military
and a private sector perspective to bring to sensor technology and its defenses
applications. "The terrorists we're dealing with don't care particularly that
they are being monitored when they are on a suicide mission. So the most
important thing when it comes to protecting air assets is early acquisition-to
give ground force defenses time to react to a threat," he explained.
"Surveillance reduces the number of people you need to monitor a given area,
but once the threat is identified, you need people on the scene in advance of a
successful infiltration. So our sensors are designed to get target acquisition
far out from defended assets." CONTROP produces the Stabilized Automatic
Intruder Detection and Recognition System (SPIDER) and the Compact
Electro-Optical Intruder Detection System (CEDAR).
"Before 9/11, we were developing perimeter security around
secure installations like oil, nuclear, power and similar facilities,"
commented Nir. "We're still doing that and focusing on the airbase systems
because we know that without early detection, airbases are particularly
vulnerable to terrorist strikes. We know that incorporating thermal detection
to augment or optic prescription is the best total solution for day-and-night
surveillance. Since airfields are more vulnerable to attack at night because of
their configurations and locations, the move to thermal technology is very
strong. All important is range-detecting threats as far out as possible to give
airfield defenders the chance to respond."
Perimeter surveillance systems from Sensor Technologies
& Systems Inc. (STS), Scottsdale, AZ, use microwave sensors. Collaboration
remains important when it comes to the technology in use. STS provides the U.S.
Air Force with perimeter surveillance radar system (PSRS), which detects,
alerts and tracks compromises to perimeter security around airfields in remote,
difficult to protect landing sites within 300 meters. Other systems include the
Air Force's Tactical Automated Security System (Northrop Grumman is one of the
three prime contractors for this system), Qual-Tron Inc.'s Enhanced Mini
Intrusion Detection System (EMIDS) and L3 Communications' Remotely Monitored
Battlefield Sensor System II (REMBASS-II).
Glenn Herosian, manager, Integrated Security Systems, FLIR
Systems Inc., added, "Thermal detection is an important advance because it
ensures detection of bodies radiating heat.
"[The ideal system ensures] maximum pixels-on-target, [and]
is the way we describe the best way to quickly classify a threat to get
sufficient tracking to see if the subject in view is a suicide bomber or just a
stray dog. The human element is always there; system operators must be able to
process quickly what they are seeing and identify the threat."
A Terrorist-Deterrent Fence
Use of fences to deter terrorists doesn't provide the early
warning or, in instances, the necessary dissuasion. Herosian posited that
fences no longer make good neighbors when the neighborhood is teeming with
terrorists. "Detection capability beyond the fence line, and building in the
time to react-stand-off detection is the key to good airfield defense," he
Use of microwave technology and automatic detection sensors
have changed the name of the detection game and given responders an edge they
never had with mere optical technology that demanded a monitor to make an
analysis of the threat as soon as it is seen. Now the threat can be assessed as
soon as it was electronically detected.
Evolution from fences has not escaped wider notice by the
military and its industrial partners. Walker Butler, president of STS, has been
working with the U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy since 1998 to develop, test and
deliver two wide-area sensors designed for perimeter protection of airfields,
border, power plants, etc. "Since 9/11, and a few years before for STS, the
need has changed from a fence line approach to a wide-area technology, from a
straight line beam breaker approach to wide-area surveillance. This has several
benefits: projecting surveillance beyond the fence line increases response time;
wide-area [360 degree] coverage allows continuous tracking of intruders; while
the inside of a base is typically masked off to reduce distraction alarms, this
mask can be easily removed to allow tracking of any intruder that crosses the
line. This promotes safety and reduces the time it takes to apprehend
intruders. We finally know where the intruder is going," Butler explained.
Nir indicated that the human element hasn't become
dispensable in the defense of aircraft and troops on airfields. Rather, sensors
hone the abilities of the human defenders to respond quickly to the scene of an
incursion and help determine quickly the nature of that intrusion. "Our
equipment is designed to zoom in on an area in which an occurrence is
detected," said Nir. "Systems have to have automatic detection because the
alternative is scanning manually. Operators using these older methods are
susceptible to fatigue and missing an area that a machine is programmed to
cover." He added that detection alone is not a total solution for airfield
monitoring planners.
"For most perimeter applications, the time of the line
sensor is past. We need more situational awareness than just a relay closure
can give us. We need a real time picture of what's happening both outside the
perimeter and, if necessary, inside. The breakthrough is that this technology
is now affordable and simple to operate," explained Butler.
Asked about the fencing systems Israel is building, Nir
explained that terrorists often don't care if and when they are detected.
"People planning for this kind of defense have to understand that they are
dealing with suicide attackers, with people unconcerned about their own lives,
interested only in mass destruction and killing," he emphasized. "Sometimes you
have to build fences if you don't have much time to respond because attackers
will plow right through without concern for detection. So you have to catch
that early to respond accordingly. We see uses by the Air Force of our systems
in Central Asia and whenever there is a need for monitoring an entire area.
Sometimes it is practically or politically impossible to put up a fence, but
you still need sophisticated monitoring systems to protect aircraft and
Similarly, Butler described the more important attributes of
a good detection system. "They have to have sensitive detection of even the
lowest/slowest intruders, very low false alarm rates, ease of operation and
interpretation of the data, and costs that are affordable," he said.
"The Air Force is looking for a mixed technology system.
That is, a good detection system with a robust assessment component. This
capability is provided by using radar for detection, since radar responds to
motion better than all other technologies, and then to use the radar to point a
camera to allow assessment of what it is that moved. Cameras are great for
assessment, but not good for wide-area surveillance. A look at the camera-only
system on our Southwest border and its lack of utility is a good example of
this concept. PSRS is deployed at Homestead ANGB in Florida specifically to
protect aircraft. It is planned for installation at Offutt AFB [NE] next. The
Remote Detection and Tracking Sensor [RDTS] is several months away from
deployment at this time," said Butler. RDTS is developed by STS and can detect
personnel out to 5 kilometers and vehicles out to 10 kilometers.
"The ideal system would be able to automatically distinguish
between a good guy and a threat," said Woods. "With today's technology, it is
relatively easy to detect someone, but it is not so easy to determine who is a
threat. With the increase in available information, ease of disseminating and
displaying that information in a way to ensure understanding of the information
is becoming more and more important."
Butler was optimistic about the infusion of technology. "STS
is forcing technology changes in the areas of millimeter-wave radars, low cost
transceivers with low noise and great linearity, detection algorithms for
non-standard targets and advanced manufacturing techniques to make these
sensors available at affordable prices. The Air Force has just ordered 660 PSRS
units for a mobile application, after several months of testing and evaluation
at their security test site.
"There has not been a defeat of the radar technology to
date. There probably will be after a number of years of deployment, and then
we'll have to react. But that's what technology advance is all about, action
and reaction. We're trying to maximize the number of years it takes to find
whatever vulnerabilities there may be in this new technology," Butler said.
On that score, the Air Force attempts to defeat sensors in
exercises, anticipating the methods of saboteurs. "When we develop and test a
product or system, we bring in skilled ‘intruders' to try to defeat that
product or system. That guides improvements to our existing systems and the
next generation of security products," explained Woods.
Sensitive to the Future
"Airbases and naval vessels face a similar threat," Nir
added, of suicide swimmers and speedboaters, the latter particularly deadly, as
was found to be the case in the Gulf of Aden when the U.S.S. Cole was attacked
by suicide bombers. He attributed the most important advances in thermal
imaging to computer memory miniaturization. "Sensors allow you to utilize
personnel to defend an airfield rather than just monitor the perimeter. But you
always have to be looking ahead because terrorists adjust, even to sensors."
As important is the combination of thermal and low-light
sensor capabilities. Sensor fusion-combining sensing technologies in a single
device to thermal, infrared, and low-light-produced images-is clearly where the
technology is heading.
Today's security challenges require continual technology
enhancement. Events like the Force Protection Equipment Demonstration (FPED,
Quantico, VA) have revealed new and existing ideas on airfield monitoring to a
wide audience of security professionals. Likewise, groups that develop physical
security technology, like the Physical Security Equipment Action Group (PSEAG),
are becoming more and more critical for providing the technology for tomorrow's
Industry and military officials agree-no matter how advanced
the detection system or how close to full-blown "sensor fusion" it becomes,
there has to be sufficient time for humans to react to identified threats. As
the military continues to establish "bare bones bases" and create airstrips
rapidly, sensors to warn about threats will be an increasingly important
component for success in the GWOT. Sensors are expensive, but still a small
fraction of the cost of a destroyed KC-135 or C-130 on an isolated runway or
the troops inside. Look for increasing, higher-level concern for promoting
airfield sensor technology and use in the field in the near future.