General Hal M. Hornburg is commander, Air Combat Command,
headquartered at Langley Air Force Base, VA, and air component commander for
U.S. Joint Forces Command and U.S. Northern Command. He is responsible for
organizing, training, equipping and maintaining combat-ready forces for rapid
deployment and employment while ensuring strategic air defense forces are ready
to meet the challenges of peacetime air sovereignty and wartime defense.
As the Combat Air Forces lead agent, ACC develops strategy,
doctrine, concepts, tactics and procedures for air and space power employment.
The command provides conventional, nuclear and information warfare forces to
all unified commands to ensure air, space and information superiority for
warfighters and national decision-makers. ACC can also be called upon to assist
national agencies with intelligence, surveillance and crisis response
He entered the Air Force in 1968 as a
graduate of Texas
A&M University’s ROTC program. He has commanded at all levels—flight,
squadron, wing, numbered air force and major command. He also commanded a
composite fighter wing during Operation Desert Storm and the first Air Force
composite wing during the services reorganization in 1991 to1992. He directed
air operations over Bosnia, commanded the Joint Warfighting Center, served on
the Joint Staff, and directed operations at Headquarters U.S. Air Force. He
also has served as Tactical Air Command’s F-15 demonstration pilot for the East
Coast, as Air Force Liaison Officer to the U.S. Senate, and as Chief of the Air
Force Colonels’ Group. Prior to assuming his current position, he commanded Air
Education and Training Command. He is a command pilot with more than 4,400 flight
Q: Good morning, General Hornburg. Just to warm up our
readers, can you give us an overview of Air Combat Command (ACC)?
A: Air Combat Command is the main provider of combat air
forces to America’s warfighting commands. We have more than 98,000 active-duty
airmen, 10,000 civilians, 10,600 reservists, 57,700 Air National Guardsmen, and
more than 1,700 combat aircraft to provide these critical warfighting
capabilities to our nation. ACC flies fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle
management, electronic combat and rescue aircraft, as well as command, control,
communications, and intelligence systems. As a force provider, ACC organizes,
trains, equips and maintains combat-ready forces for rapid deployment and use.
The command also ensures strategic air defense forces are ready to protect
America in peace or war 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Q: Can you elaborate on the six focus areas and what they
mean to ACC?
A: During my first six months as the commander of Air Combat
Command, I assessed our strengths and areas we needed to improve on as a
command. I identified six topics called “ACC Focus Areas” that take priority on
my agenda because of their importance to the command and to our Air Force.
The ACC Focus Areas are people, air and space expeditionary
forces, infrastructure, transformation, command and control, and information
The first area is the most important to me because people
are the cornerstone of everything we do. Without our people, we simply could
not accomplish the mission.
We need to show our people they are important through
leadership, mentoring and coaching.We must create an environment that
encourages our people to reach their full potential and remain a part of our
force. Our focus will be to grow and retain airmen through visible leadership,
regular mentoring, and active engagement in their lives. Those we lead, mentor
and coach define our warfighting and readiness capabilities. We must
continuously demonstrate our concern for our people, their families and their
futures. In short, we must recognize them for all they do for the Air Force and
our country.
Second, we must continue to develop fully capable air and
space expeditionary forces including robust expeditionary combat support. The
Air Force is expeditionary by nature, and every airman is critical to the Air
Expeditionary Forces’ (AEF) success. AEFs allow the Air Force to provide
tailored force packages to meet the needs of our combatant commanders while
offering some predictability to our people. The structure of our AEFs enables
the Air Force to meet the wide range of military operations using forces from
active duty to the Guard and Reserve.
We need to expand the AEF concept to present full-spectrum,
capable forces that are ready to meet the nation’s need for steady-state
operations, crisis response and warfighting. We must size our AEFs with equal,
measurable, and tailorable combat capability based on the demands of national
security strategy and with the number of forces that allows an operations tempo
that sustains and retains our people.
My third focus area is infrastructure. Unfortunately, every
ACC installation has infrastructure concerns. While the age of our facilities
continues to increase, investments have decreased since 1985. Our buildings,
roads, and runways show it. Commanders receive 70 percent less facility money
than 17 years ago. I’ve made infrastructure one of ACC’s Focus Areas because we
cannot accomplish our mission if our facilities are crumbling around us. We
must sustain and modernize our infrastructure with innovative approaches to
support our combat operations and to give our people the quality of life they
The fourth area that is hot on my scope is transformation.
Transformation consists of three related elements: new technologies that enable
us to achieve the desired effects against our adversaries, new operational
concepts and improved organizational structures.Continuing our transformational
journey will allow us to fight future wars smarter and reduce the threat to our
people and assets. Transformation is clearly not going to happen overnight, but
we are making progress in programs such as the F/A-22, Global Hawk, Joint
Strike Fighter, modernization of our bomber fleet, and our continued emphasis
on smart munitions.
Operational concepts such as Global Strike and Global
Response, Air Expeditionary Forces, and new wing and numbered Air Force
organizational structures help sharpen our evolution and guide us on our path
towards transforming ACC to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
The fifth ACC Focus Area is command and control. We must
aggressively develop full command and control of air and space power. This
means achieving the right mix and capability of command and control,
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets to execute campaign plans
at all levels of war and in all operational environments.
We must also complete the development of the air operations
center as a weapons system through formal training, integration and
standardization to support joint and combined operations. To achieve the full
potential of command and control, we must rapidly and efficiently get the
correct information to the warfighter.
Finally, to fully exploit Air Force technological advances
and operational capabilities, we must merge air, space, intelligence and
information operations into a seamless capability. We plan to accomplish this
by focusing on information operations. To achieve this goal, ACC will focus on
eliminating “stovepipes” within its operational, intelligence, and information
functions, achieving better integration among these areas. ACC must lead the
way, linking the intelligence and information operations functions from the air
and space domains to better support the decision maker.
By focusing on these six areas, ACC will be better prepared
to meet future challenges as a command and an Air Force for our nation. We’ll
be able to improve the quality of life for our people, improve our
installations, kick down the door of any adversary anytime, anywhere and uphold
our reputation as the provider of the best combat air forces in the world.
As this command collectively targets these key areas, good
things will happen. It will drive what we do as a team in the next few years.
ACC is building for and looking toward the future.
Q: Do you foresee any changes to the command structure and
organization of ACC in the near term?
A: We are taking a hard look at many of our organizational
structures. While our current organizations have served us well, we must
recognize many of our current structures were designed for a different era and
for a different purpose. We are presently looking very hard at what we will
need to do to adapt our organizational structures to better enable truly
expeditionary operations on a global scale. I anticipate we will see some
fairly significant changes in the years ahead. In every case, we are committed
to providing the most capable air forces in the world to the nation, and we
recognize that organizational changes will be necessary to do that.
Q: The F/A-22 is on the way, but will it arrive on time or
will you need to keep some aircraft in the air longer than anticipated to
bridge the time gap?
A: There are many excellent aircraft platforms in the Air
Force inventory that are capable of defending the United States and protecting
its interests through air and space power—as evidenced by the results of
Operation Iraqi Freedom—but our fleet is aging. The F/A-22 is expected to
achieve initial operational capability by December 2005, as scheduled. When the
F/A-22 becomes completely operational, it will improve and enhance the power
and capabilities of the United States Air Force by enabling new operational
concepts not possible with legacy airframes. However, we will face continuing
challenges in the years ahead as our current fleet of fighters, bombers and
surveillance aircraft age. Some of our bombers are more than 40 years old and
many of our fighters are more than 20 years old. We will face challenges over
the next several decades as we continue to sustain legacy aircraft such as the
F-16 and A-10 and simultaneously bring on their replacements. These challenges
are particularly acute in the fighter force structure because of the very
limited fighter purchases we have made over the past decade and the limited
choices we face in the years ahead.
Q: Do you think there will ever be a newly designed, manned
fighter-type aircraft after the F/A-22?
A: Absolutely. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is already
projected to replace our aging F-16 and A-10 fleets. The F-35 will use some of
the same technological advances of the F/A-22, helping to minimize costs of
this aircraft by keeping 80 percent of its design common among the Air Force,
Navy and Marine Corps, as well as the British Royal Navy and Royal Air Force.
As far as a specific follow-on for the F/A-22, it is still too early to tell.
The United States Air Force is working toward a capabilities-based planning and
budgeting system. This means we look at what capabilities we need and then look
for systems that best fit that bill. Thus, how we define our future
capabilities is the basis for our future systems. Whether this is met by manned
fighters, remotely piloted vehicles, from space, some future technology, or a
combination of these, remains to be seen.
Q: Do you think that the defense industry is positioned to
react directly to the needs of the warfighter quickly when changes are needed,
or is the process of going from an idea to operational deployment too long?
A: We need a close partnership between the military and
defense industry to ensure we maintain a healthy, vibrant aerospace production
capability and to ensure national security. Defense industries cannot be
invented on the eve of a national emergency. They must be maintained,
especially with research and development work. We must negotiate to support
mature acquisition strategies to ensure our defense industry is able to evolve
to meet the needs of the warfighter. This may mean that we take a different
look at how we buy major programs. In the past, we bought aircraft in surge
buys, buying hundreds of aircraft over a period of a few years. With much
larger aircraft inventories and several aircraft in development and production
at one time, we could afford to do this. We are moving to an era in which aircraft
development can take decades, and we have very few production and development
programs at any one time. Within this frame of reference, we may need to look
toward what might be called sustainment production. By that I mean buying more
efficiently at lower annual rates but sustaining production for longer periods
of time with block upgrades, spiral development and technology insertion. These
types of changes should not only improve our ability to get warfighting
capability to our airmen in the field sooner but will also enable us to better
sustain the nation’s industrial base.
Q: What were ACC’s most important contributions to the
efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq? Were there any “firsts” for the command in
A: How long a list would you like? We could generate a
significant list but the pattern and the message in both operations are the
same. We are a very successful and effective expeditionary combat air force. We
are a total force. We operate as a precision-oriented, global, long-range
strike air force. Again and again, ACC continues to deliver decisive firepower
anywhere, anytime and we continue to get better at it! And not just by using
new systems but by adapting “the old” with new concepts or upgrades. For
example, just a few years ago it would have been unthinkable to consider the
B-2, our newest and most sophisticated bomber, dropping conventional Mk-82
bombs—but it does so very effectively. To get a flavor of what we did, let’s
look at just some of the numbers and events … Our aircraft flew more than 9,000
strike sorties in 20 days. One hundred percent of our strike aircraft now
deliver precision-guided munitions, and 30 percent of these same aircraft are
operated by Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve units. That’s total force.
Approximately 68 percent of the weapons used were “guided” for greater overall
precision and effectiveness. We are almost to the point of one weapon per aim
point per target. Put simply we used one eighth as many weapons as in Desert
Storm, did the job in half the time while operating 45 percent fewer aircraft,
and still conducted operations in other regions. For the first time, bombers
provided surveillance cover, dropped laser-guided munitions, provided rapid
response to time-sensitive targets, and went to downtown Baghdad alone and in
broad daylight. Our fully integrated ACC intelligence operators and their
capabilities ensured our fighters were routinely and dynamically re-tasked en
route to target areas in order to exploit real-time intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance updates or maximize use of our newer advanced munitions.
The Sensor-Fuzed Weapon, for example, was used for the first
time during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Every call for close-air support from our troops
on the ground, regardless of location, time, weather, and so forth, had a
weapon impact response time of under five minutes. The bottom line is when
on-call, precise, and devastating firepower was needed, the men and women of
ACC were quite literally unstoppable and unmatched.
Q: What emerging or under-development technologies do your
warfighters need most?
A: We’d like to improve our capability to quickly react to
emerging global threats. We are actually doing very well in this area. Over the
last several years, we have dramatically improved the number and types of
long-endurance, remotely piloted vehicles such as Global Hawk and Predator.
These investments showed their tremendous value in Iraq and Afghanistan. In
addition, we are dramatically improving many of our command and control
technologies. We are putting data links into our platforms just about as fast
as we can. We have fielded entirely new families of modern precision and near
pre-precision munitions such as Joint Direct Attack Munition, Sensor-Fuzed
Weapon, and the Wind Corrected Munitions Sensor. As we look across the horizon,
we see entirely new arrays of active and passive sensors on our new aircraft,
the F/A-22, F-35, Global Hawk, Predator and UCAV. We also have new weapons in
development such as the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), the Joint Air-to-Surface
Stand-off Munition (JASSM), and even data links for our munitions. Finally, we
are fielding an incredible array of new technologies to enable our commanders
and airmen in the field to command and control our forces better. This runs the
full spectrum from new technologies and systems in our Air Operations Centers
to new suites of systems for our terminal attack controllers who work with
ground forces to provide close air support. There is a lot of great news here,
and I think we are doing a significantly better job at getting improved
capability to our airmen in the field much quicker.
Q: Has the dramatic increase in OPTEMPO during the past 20
months significantly impacted aircraft maintenance and aircraft service life?
A: The health of our aircraft fleet is good thanks to the
dedication and commitment of our highly skilled maintainers. Although our FY02
cumulative rates show ACC aircraft mission performance indicators improved or
held steady across the board, our increasing operations tempo has put
additional wear and tear on our aircraft and our people. These strains will be
reflected in increased resource demands to maintain the required level of
readiness. Soon the cost to sustain this fleet of aging aircraft will exceed
the cost to replace our weapon systems with new and more capable technologies.
Q: “Train as you fight” has been a baseline for a long time.
Because of costs, flight simulation plays a major role in keeping pilots current.
Besides the times when you actually put a pilot in the air for recurrent
training, are there any additional training aids (or technologies) that would
keep skills honed and still fit the train-as-you-fight philosophy?
A: Nothing replaces putting a pilot in the air under actual
flight conditions. However, the Air Force is developing and fielding a new
training concept called Distributed Mission Operations (DMO). DMO is a
networked “family” of training simulators providing simulator-link capability
between bases and systems. It includes aircraft, command and control systems,
and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. This family of
high-fidelity simulators allows the creation of realistic combat environments
that provide training opportunities not readily available on a daily basis
during live flying operations. It allows us to link multiple systems throughout
the command to fly large-scale combat scenarios without ever leaving home
station. Eventually, this capability could be expanded into the joint world of
war fighting, enabling the Air Force to have the capability to fly simulated
missions along with other components in a live, virtual, and constructive
environment. The ultimate goal is the ability to conduct full mission
rehearsal of actual combat missions, enabling our aviators to have a first-hand
simulated look at the actual battlefield with realistic threats, weather,
terrain and targets.
Q: There has been strong consideration over the years about
decommissioning the A-10. What is ACC’s view of the A-10 and whether it should
be decommissioned and what, if anything, can step into the role of a
down-and-dirty, close-air, ground-support aircraft?
A: The Air Force has increased its capabilities to conduct
close-air support over the years, not decreased them. The A-10 did a superb job
in Iraq providing support to our ground forces—as did the B-1, F-16, B-52 and
F-15E. We will always have the capability to provide close-air support. It is
our promise to the soldiers on the ground that we will always be there for
them. This is a promise and commitment we take seriously. New technologies,
weapons and operating concepts will ensure we retain and improve this
capability. This is one of my top priorities! In fact, we are building a
concept of operations that will ensure every one of our Air Force
weapons-delivering aircraft will possess the capability to conduct close-air
support in the most demanding threat environments. Although the average age of
the A-10 is more than 23 years, it still remains a highly capable fighter.
Until we can fill the “capability gap” provided by
the A-10, we will continue to employ it
into the future.
Q: People are the strength of any organization. What is ACC
doing to keep its competitive advantage in highly skilled personnel both in new
recruiting and in retainment?
A: The Air Force looks for America’s best and brightest men
and women to fill its ranks. ACC certainly benefits from the high standards the
Air Force sets when recruiting our next generation of airmen. The Air Force
offers exciting careers to young people, many of whom are in ACC. The Air Force
provides technical training on state-of-the-art equipment that is second to
none; we offer attractive options to young people looking for a challenging and
rewarding workplace. I’d wager our airmen are better trained than their
civilian counterparts, which makes keeping these quality people so important.
In ACC, our motto is “People First, Mission Always.” We cannot fulfill our
mission without trained and motivated airmen. They are the backbone of this
organization, and it’s our job as leaders to make them want to stay.
Retaining our quality airmen is a challenge because their
training makes them so attractive to civilian employers. If you really peel it
back, what makes them stay with us is that we’re making them feel part of a
great team, doing great things in challenging environments. When they leave
work, we want them to feel good about who they are and about the positive
contributions they have made to our mission. They need to know they are valued
members of the organization.
Our surveys have shown an airman’s decision to stay in the
Air Force is directly influenced by his or her leaders. This is just one reason
I continue to emphasize the importance of mentoring. Retaining our people is
critical to our future. It is everyone’s responsibility to grow our future
leaders by sharing experiences and advice instead of simply telling their
people what to do. We must create an environment that encourages our people to
reach their full potential through visible leadership, regular mentoring and
active engagement in their lives.
But we don’t just retain airmen; we retain families. So it
is important that we constantly strive to improve their quality of life. From
housing and facility upgrades to family-oriented programs and events, ACC
focuses on taking care of our people and their families. When airmen know their
families are safe and happy, they can focus their attention on the mission. We
must continuously live our concern for our people, their futures and their